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Paris Photo 2011 –Feldbuschwiesner (Germany)


Gallery FELDBUSCHWIESNER has been successfully representing young contemporary artists since 2005, the gallery defines itself as a mediator for singular positions and artists who endeavour to follow very individual practices. We put priority on cooperation and discourse with our artists and collectors, without committing ourselves to any specific artistic practice, and therefore, our exhibitions do not follow predefined thematic guidelines. At least once a year we invite a guest curator and with it open our doors to artists from allover the world. Since the gallery moved to its current location in 2007 photo- and video art has become a vital part of our program. In our dedicated video space works of emerging video artists and those who already made their appearance on international platforms are shown throughout the year.

What is your point of view on the financial side of the photographic market today ?
We are not a gallery purely focussed on photography.  Because of this fact and based on our experience in selling from painting to photo and video we saw a rising interest in photo and video over the last five years.
The more expertise clients and buyers gain (I am talking about a medium price range) the more matter number of editions printed, quality of photographic art work and of course the artists’ cv with list of exhibitions. Stefanie Feldbusch

Artists exhibited
Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs

Stand : D26

Linienstrasse 155
10115, Berlin Allemagne
T. +49 30 69504142

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