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Olivia Marty – 727

In my series titled ‘recOllectiOn’, my work took as a starting point childhood memories, family photographs from the 1950s, whereupon I reconstructed and re-enacted scenes from the past in the present-day Ho Chi Minh City (also known as Saigon).
Here in my new photographic project named ‘727’, the scene also takes place in the economic heart of Vietnam but the present is taking over the past by capturing the ‘haunted’ 727 Tran Hung Dao historic building.   In both projects, I alternate between different modes of artistic expression – projection, photography, moving objects – and the relationship between then and now is ubiquitous.
Built as military housing for U.S. soldiers during the American War, ‘727’ is one of the many old apartment buildings built in Saigon before 1975 that held significant historical value.  This building, which once teemed with life, was torn down a couple of years ago -succumbing to real estate speculation.  At the height of its occupancy, in the 1980s and 1990s, some 600 families (2,500 inhabitants) made it their home.  At the time of my shooting ‘727’, there was definitely a ghostly atmosphere to the place : stairwells and corridors were filled with discreet shadows who survived while waiting for demolition teams to take over. In the staircase that word was found on many of the floors: « ma » – in Vietnamese – which means « ghost ». The building was thought to be haunted.

The monocular vision through these photographs is an allegory of the departure revolving around a subtle complexity of layers which are indistinctly in search of nuance, gravity and radiance.  These photographs have evolved through a process of intuition, improvisation as well as experimentation.  My photographs are atmospheric abstractions of recollection, memory -these are meant as standstill places, transcendent escapes from our chaotic and complex world.  These photographs are entry points to the rhythms and the quiet mysteries of our lives, reflecting our unfathomable search for human connection.

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time. 


-T. S. Eliot, “Little Gidding”, Four Quartets

This project is driven by the need to retain the memory of lost murals with photographs but not only.

The discarded materials I choose to work with have a transcendent, almost dark beauty. While the original function of the fragments is at first unfamiliar, closer inspection reveals bits of gray-blue beadboard and shiny gameboard, alongside frames, metal springs, and what appear to be drawer fronts and other furniture parts with dowels still protruding. In this respect, this raw energy stimulates the imagination as the viewer’s eye searches for familiar forms among the fragments, which requires one to seek new meanings and interpretations.

Through anonymous, abandoned materials such as old doors, scrap plywood panels and other detritus of daily life, we can sense people’s traces, the motions of time and the eternal cycle of life and death in them which reveals the existence of a world beyond the ‘material’.

Just as nature, communities, and humanity go through cycles of growth, decay, and rebirth, materials once activated by use and then discarded find new life here as art.  As we contemplate what is absent from what is present, that which was abandoned is found again, without evoking those daunting feelings of loss and loneliness.  Humanity’s spirit can be discovered in its refuse, as we can see renewal in ruin.  We begin to look at the remnants around us from the outside in.

These photographs reflect its subject faithfully, but upon closer investigation they reveal more than meets the eye.  In a sense, they become transparent under scrutiny and reveal a hidden narrative, a memory etched into its paper surface and perhaps, show that our world is not hopelessly lost in the anarchy of the universe and its violent wilderness.

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