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Obie Oberholzer


African Nights

“There’s the cloud in the sky, a line in the sand and a little picture in my hand. I am an awkward scholar of sight, a follower of roads and dreams, just a connector of all kinds of lines, shapes, and colours. I try to find life’s essence in the linear connectedness of things and places and people. I hope that my moments and coincidences will last a little longer than just passing incidents. My work is simply a conglomerate of moments.

Obie Oberholzer


Obie Oberholzer studied photography in Munich in 1970’s. Lectured in Photography for 23 years and has had 33 local one-man exhibitions and 11 international exhibitions. He has been on assignments for Condé Nast Traveller, Geo-Saison, Stern Magazine and other international magazines. He is a member of the German LAIF Picture Agency. Since 1987 he has produced 16 coffee table books. He lives with his wife, Lynn in Natures Valley, South Africa.

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