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Nicolas Hermann


Les rêves ont-ils des titres?

(Do dreams have titles?)

“Behind the night, there is something else: something wilder, something belonging to the most ancient strata of the cosmos and humanity; something unexpected and unanticipated; something inexplicably decisive and perhaps fundamentally exciting.” Baldine Saint Girons – “The nuital instant, the aesthetic act and the method of the sublime”, Internetový časopis pre humanitné vedy magazine, 2015

“Do dreams have titles?” explores the nocturnal territory as the mental space of Beaugency to reveal its mysterious and fantastic essence. With the complicity and involvement of local residents, Nicolas Hermann walked the byways in the heart of the night. At the crossroads of his own unconscious and the collective imagination, he created a marvelous, experimental and open universe. During his two-month residency, Nicolas Hermann immersed himself in a Beaugency between dog and wolf. Nourished by cinema and fantasy literature, he absorbed the atmosphere of the place, listened to the stories, seized on encounters and indications, followed signs, energies and intuitions. His images reveal a space where the boundary between matter and psyche disappears: a place of relationship, where the network of individual unconsciouses meet to merge into the collective unconscious; an in-between where everyday elements disappear to make way for archetypes, myths, the tales of the Grimm brothers and Walt Disney cartoons, Alice in Wonderland and Tom Thumb, Andrei Tarkovski, Bram Stoker and David Lynch, and which anyone’s imagination can seize. ”

Carine Dolek


Nicolas Hermann

Les rêves ont-ils des titres?

Exhibition from May 18 to June 23, 2024


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