A retrospective of the Dutch artist Rineke Dijkstra will be on display through October 8, 2012, at the Guggenheim Museum in New York. The show features seventy photographs and five video installations that trace the artist’s body of work, composed mainly of portraits.
Rineke Dijkstra likes fragility, both the natural kind you can capture in an unexpected moment, and the unnatural kind that you can create with a camera. By making vulnerability her trademark, she reflects a current in contemporary portrait photography: formal posture, simple framing, head-on and often from a lower angle, all endowing the subject with a kind of presence. Here the emotional exchange between the model and photographer is no longer unequal. Dijkstra’s portraits seek out emotional subtlety, gravity and purity.
Read the full text of Jonas Cuénin’s article on the French version of Le Journal.
Rineke Dijkstra, A rétrospective
Until October 8th, 2012
Guggenheim Museum de New York
1071 5th Avenue
New York, NY 10128 – USA