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Natan Dvir


The Last Walks.

After 11 fascinating years in New York, I decided a few months ago to move back to Israel for personal and professional reasons. New York has embraced me, provided for me, and inspired me all these incredible years. I was hoping to depart from the Big Apple properly, but the Coronavirus pandemic forced me to expedite the process. Last week I boarded an almost empty flight and when I landed in Tel Aviv I immediately had to quarantine myself.

Before leaving, I decided to say goodbye to this wonderful city by visiting places that have special meaning for me — places I have lived in or that have visually inspired my artistic and photojournalistic work. Normally, I would have chosen to photograph these places with a sentimental-autobiographical touch, but these days are anything but normal. The urban space is almost naked of human presence and feels surreal. I decided to use my iPhone to photograph in panoramic format which I believe is best suited to capture this experience.

It pains me to see New York so exposed and suffering. This difficult, complex, and challenging struggle has intensified recently and will continue in the near future. I have seen this amazing city overcome major disasters in the past, and I hope it will once again showcase its power and strength.

Farewell my dear New York. I hope to see you again soon.

Natan Dvir





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