Series of photographic fragments, coming from different portfolios and making sense by juxtaposition.
These poetic and metaphorical small pieces, both meditative and reassuring were collected over several years, they recount my escapes, from concept images to simple images and my tenderness for the human landscape or the human in the landscape.
Man is photographed in his communion with the elements, conscious or not of being part of a larger history where fiction and reality mingle.
Is this a dream that takes advantage of a moment of inattention to slip its colored fringes into a modernity, quite uncertain or is this modernity that induces the need of theses colorful fringes? The answer is probably hidden somewhere in this portfolio.
It thus echoes of the topics projected on a giant screen, photographic meetings of Marrakech 2019, in which I participate; invited by Abdel Oustad / Cultures Nomades Production. Les Rencontres De La Photographie # Marrakech 2019 will be held from October 14 to 20 at Palais El Badi.