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Museum of Resistance, Internment and Deportation : Véronique de Viguerie : Suspended Moments


Until December 23, the Musée de la Résistance, de l’Internement et de la Déportation, in Chamalières, hosts an exhibition entitled “Instants suspendus “ (Suspended moments), taken from the pictures of the war reporter Véronique de Viguerie. This exhibition aims to reveal through moments of intimacy, calm, “suspended” moments, far from the horrors of war. Véronique de Viguerie’s photos highlight these moments of life despite the surrounding fighting and violence in Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan, Brazil, Iraq, or Palestine.

“In my eyes, what is important is to reveal a reality with its most beautiful and ugly aspects. Not the fantasized one, not a binary vision that is easier to accept or understand. We photojournalists are your eyes to go where you can’t and make you look at things that are sometimes hidden or that we sometimes don’t want to see,” explains the photojournalist.


Musée de la Résistance, de l’Internement et de la Déportation
7 place Beaulieu – Chamalières

[email protected]

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