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Museo Nazionale del Risorgimento Italiano : Ivo Saglietti. Lo sguardo nomade (The nomadic gaze)


Italian photographer Ivo Saglietti died on December 2nd at the age of 75.
A retrospective of his work is shown at the Museo Nazionale del Risorgimento Italiano in Turin until January 28th, 2024.
It is entitled : “Ivo Saglietti. Lo sguardo nomade (The nomadic gaze)”.
The curator is Tiziana Bonomo.
At the entrance to the exhibition, these few words from Ivo Saglietti:

“Slowness is one of the foundations of photography. At least that’s the case for me. In my vision, there is no good photography if I don’t have the time to linger, to observe the reality around me. When I arrive at my workplace on the first day, I rarely take out my camera. I walk, I come back, I observe, I take notes. When the language allows it, I try to exchange a few words with people. All this very slowly, letting myself be penetrated by the sensations, trying to put myself in harmony with the places and the people.” “I opened my eyes in the light of the Mediterranean, in Toulon, in the south of France, where, if you look at it for a long time, the sun becomes a black circle. I believe that the first glance also determines a destiny: it is almost certainly thanks to this light that I became a photographer”.


Ivo Saglietti. Lo sguardo nomade (The nomadic gaze)
Until January 28, 2024
Museo Nazionale del Risorgimento Italiano
Palazzo Carignano – piazza Carlo Alberto 8, Torino

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