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Musée Nicéphore Niépce : Kate Barry : My Own Space


The Musée Nicéphore Niépce presents the exhibition Kate Barry: My Own Space.

Kate Barry [1967-2013] began her career as a photographer in 1996. Commissions for fashion and magazines made her famous and her work contributed to the construction of the imagination of an era [mother-daughter campaign for Comptoir des Cotonniers in 2003-2006, portraits of actresses during the release of the film Huit Femmes by François Ozon in 2002, etc.].

Despite the constraints of the assignments, the photographer imposed her gaze, which allowed her to develop more personal projects. The one dedicated to the employees of the Rungis international market [Les Gueules de Rungis, 2009] became a landmark, but her work around the landscape is where she best expressed her sensitivity. Contrary to the tinsel of magazines, the imperatives of commissions and the over-mediatization of her family [she is the daughter of John Barry and Jane Birkin], Kate Barry offers pared down atmospheres, made of poetry and subtlety, both melancholy and oppressive.

In 2021, Kate Barry’s family donated all of her color and black and white negatives, her digital production, her contact sheets, a selection of prints and her two main exhibitions [Bunkamara Gallery, Japan] to the Musée Nicéphore Niépce. , 2000 and Arles, 2017].

The museum invites the public to discover a first retrospective of this singular, diverse and complex work.

A book will accompany the exhibition in September 2023 at Éditions de La Martinière.


Exhibition curator: Sylvain Besson
Musée Nicéphore Niépce Scenography: Anne-Celine Borey


Kate Barry : My Own Space
June 17 juin – September 17, 2023
Musée Nicéphore Niépce
28 quai des messageries
71100 Chalon-sur-Saône

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