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Musée gruérien : Daniel Pittet: Spirits of the Mountain


This is the most unusual exhibition of the week.
It’s called: Esprits de la montagne
It lasts until May 25th at the Musée gruérien in Bulle, Switzerland.
The author: Daniel Pittet. His text:

I had been looking for them, without knowing it, for over thirty years. I felt their presence during the long walks near the top, the peace and serenity they offered me. But my eyes did not see them. And one day in November, or rather one night, the revelation came. I had spent the day wandering at the foot of the Basodino glacier, enjoying the silence, the softness of the light, precisely this presence, which I felt stronger than ever. I intensely observed the elements, the rock, the snow, the water, I soaked it up. I framed pieces of landscape. Back on the banks of the Bavona, we walked during the night. I was still up there a little, strongly feeling the link with the mountain, deliciously extending the relationship. I wanted to see some images from the day again, and the instinct was to return one. I wasn’t wearing my glasses and couldn’t see the image well, but I still had the revelation of a face staring at me. The determined look fascinated me.

– I’m here and I see you! He told me. This contact intrigued me quite a bit. Having found my glasses, I immersed myself more carefully in the image and was amazed a second time to discover other and innumerable “presences”. The reflection of the landscape on the very smooth water of the lake and the verticality had created, at different scales, fantastic bodies and heads, symbols, looks, expressive shapes.

Then the idea came to me to reproduce the experience with other landscapes, in search of hidden presences. I thus embarked on a passionate quest, guided by intuition, to meet the spirits of the mountain, at the edge of consciousness. And the presences revealed themselves, sometimes spontaneously, other times at the cost of long and patient explorations. Each mountain has its language, its symbolism, its recurring references, its light, its emotions and, at the center, its spirits. This encounter with the spirits of the mountain is an invitation to take a deep look at the world around us, to intensely observe the environment, to truly penetrate visible matter to detect its intimate essence and draw nourishment from it. It is also an hymn to the beauty of the world, an incitement to contemplate and to the respect inspired by its sacred and precious side.”

Daniel Pittet


Daniel Pittet : Esprits de la montagne
Until May 25, 2024
Musée gruérien
Rue de la Condémine 25
1630 Bulle – Suisse

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