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Musée de Grenoble : A Story of Images : Donation by Antoine de Galbert


Until March 3, 2024, the Musée de Grenoble will present the exhibition Une histoire d’images, the first assessment of the photographic collection gathered over the last four years thanks to regular donations made by Antoine de Galbert and his foundation. The whole offers a panorama of our time and the determining role played by photography in the development of our perceptions and contemporary mythologies.

Since 2020, Antoine de Galbert has been committed to supporting the enrichment of the museum’s collections in the field of photography by regularly making donations either directly or through his foundation. This donation constitutes an “Antoine de Galbert photography fund” within the collections which completes the already existing set…

Thus, through 270 works sometimes composed of large set of images, produced by 95 known or anonymous photographers, from Dorothea Lange to Wiktoria Wojciechowska, from Paul Strand to David Goldblatt, from Luc Delahaye to Gilles Raynaldy, this exhibition presents a first assessment of this exceptional patronage. It allows us to make both an objective and subjective portrait of our time while illustrating in an original way a certain vision of photography.


Une histoire d’images : Donation de Antoine de Galbert
From December 16, 2023 to March 3, 2024
Musée de Grenoble
5 place Lavalette
38000 Grenoble
04 76 63 44 44


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