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Mind’s Eye / Galerie Adrian Bondy : John Claridge : Oradour


Mind’s Eye / Galerie Adrian Bondy presents John Claridge : Oradour.

This exhibition marks the 80th anniversary of the Oradour-sur-Glane massacre. On 10 June 1944, 643 inhabitants of this Limousin village were simultaneously executed by the Waffen SS and its buildings burnt down. The ruins have been preserved as a memorial to this humanitarian disaster.

Today’s terrible events are a grim reminder of man’s capacity for the worst horrors. Unfortunately, Oradour is just one of the uncountable such atrocities committed throughout the history of the world.

John Claridge visited Oradour-sur-Glane in 2014. The exhibition presents the powerful and moving photographs he brought back. He writes :

It was a cold, early morning with a gusty wind that sent shivers down my spine. The heavy rain and threatening, dark clouds did not help.

As I took my first steps into Oradour-sur-Glane, it was deserted and filled with a sense of foreboding. Every street, building, automobile and house seemed to belong to a terrible sadness.

I had a feeling of entering, not just another time, but another dimension, with no escape.
— John Claridge


John Claridge : Oradour
June 8 – July 14, 2024
Mind’s Eye / Galerie Adrian Bondy
221 rue Saint-Jacques, 75005 Paris
06 85 93 41 92

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