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Milan 2012 – Studio Tommasoli


Tommasoli’s Photo Studio was founded in Verona in 1906 by Silvio Tommasoli, painter and photographer who graduated in Milan at the Brera’s Academy. The  particularity of our Studio is the collection of works made during the years by  three generations of Tommasoli .the realisation for example, of the exhibition “Beyond the Silver”, in  which were exposed 150 photos, vintage and reprint, in 2007 in Verona, at  the International Center of Photography, and in 2008 at Moscow’s Photobiennal,  Complexe Multimédia des Arts Actuels Musée “La Maison de la Photographie de Moscou”.

Artists : Alessandra Salardi & Sirio Tommasoli

Galleria fotografica Archivio Tommasoli
by Sirio Tommasoli e Alessandra Salardi
via Macello, 29 • 37121 Verona, Italia
Tel. +39 045 8003687
Email : [email protected]

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