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Michel Petit


Excerpts from an exhibition currently presented at the Espace Baudelaire in Dijon, as part of Equality Month and International Women’s Rights Day 2024

Towards freedom…
From confinement… to freedom…

The trauma linked to sexual abuse is significant and often generates long-lasting problems, more or less severe, which can lead to suicide!!
This photographic work aims to evoke these post-sexual violence consequences among survivors of this trauma, and to suggest possible solutions to regain balance, hope and the joy of living…. It was from the meeting with the person with whom I planned to work photographically, in a rather fictional mode, that the focus on the consequences of sexual violence was born… It was initiated before all the recent revelations emerged .
Among the most frequent symptoms, without aiming to be exhaustive here, we observe shame, guilt, withdrawal into oneself, condensed under the idea of ​​confinement, dissociative reactions, flashbacks, concentration problems. , memory problems, sexual disorders, eating disorders, addictions, self-destructive behavior, suicidal risk, depression, etc.
To overcome these traumas, it is difficult to avoid disclosure, to file a complaint, and to engage in therapeutic work, to regain balance and experience satisfactory relationships.

PS: I have the authorizations of the people represented

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