Mi Zhou The Earth “This project is a collaboration between Chinese fashion designer Ma Ke and I. It is the synergy of two different forms of art presentation that have similar belief. Ma Ke revealed her design concept for her “Earth” series in her statement : ” What attracted me was the simplicity and basic idea of human history, when people still treated nature with awe and fear. They lived the simple and primitive life, with a very basic understanding of their environment. The simplicity originated from life itself as a powerful force, that resonates with today’s people… for us, the earth is not merely a source of material survival, but also the origin of life as well as our soul’s destiny.” She spent a year looking for a photographer to realize her idea in a 2 dimensional form. She found me in December 2007. So we went together to the Kangding Plateau in China. In my pursuit of photography, I’ve been searching for essence of humanity. Amongst the varied geographies, societies, and races that I have come into contact with, I’ve continually seen such confirmation of my belief. For me, this project is a personal spiritual pilgrimage. When these Tibetan herdsmen stood upon the land that nurtured them, they blended with the landscape into one organic, timeless statue. I could almost touch their soul, full of dignity, strength and generosity. Maybe this is the origin and fountain of humanity, the life force that we should cherish.”
Mi Zhou
Mi Zhou was born in Wuxi, China, in the province of Jiang-Su in 1962. After 13 years working in civil engineering, he founded in 1993 an advertising company in China and got, in 1997, a master’s degree in Communication Arts in New York. For six years he was artistic director at Young & Rubicam and K & L Advertising. In 2004, he began photography in San Francisco and freelance works. His exhibition Là où coule le Gange, which traces his journey from Gangotri to Kolkata, revealed him to the public. He traveled later in Nevada in order to enter the festival “Burning Man”, and photography collection of eccentric designer Ma Ke as the series “Earth”. In 2008 he was ranked among the 50 best photographers in Photolucida Critical Mass (USA). Member of different non- profit associations, he teaches photography to disadvantaged and homeless people.
Representation by Florence Moll and Associates
and by Polka Galerie http://www.polkagalerie.com