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Memories of the Cambodian cinema


The 1960’s were the golden age of Cambodian cinema. Today, at a time when the cinema industry is just being reborned, it is essential to remember its roots–the films and filmmakers that made the cinema thrive. These treasures of the 7th Art will not only inspire new generations of filmmakers, but will also allow the public to rediscover a heritage both rich and culturally exciting. The exhibition consist of 30 printed photo stills, souvenirs and posters of films. These photos allow us to rediscover the great actors and directors of the period, and the unique atmosphere of Khmer films from the happier years before the war. Shown on screens, the images and excerpts of films will immerse the visitor in dramatic, comedic or fantastical, with strong characters. Finally, a portrait of the career of Dy Saveth, completed by the Bophana Center, is an occasion to pay homage to one of the greatest Cambodian actresses.
This retrospective gives the visitor an overview of the surprising but forgotten Khmer cinema of the 1960’s, preserved by a few directors and cinema-lovers.

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