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MATOU : Filigranes Éditions : Rip Hopkins : Plumassiers


In conjunction with the exhibition at MATOU, Filigranes Éditions publishes Plumassiers by Rip Hopkins.

This book reveals the world of feather workers who entrusted the secrets of their trade to photographer and designer Rip Hopkins.

Little known to the general public, plumassiers cultivate discretion and remain in the shadows, out of modesty and concern for preserving their precious know-how, transmitted from generation to generation, often within the same family.

Rip Hopkins takes us to South Africa, the source of ostrich feathers, ubiquitous since the birth of the profession, before going up the industry through France, England, Belgium and Italy, in the course of his encounters.

The texts recount the many ways and techniques employed to work with feathers, whether it is a plume from a military hat, a cabaret boa, a bed quilt or a fly fishing hook wrapping a feather around a hook to make a dry fly that will float on the surface of the water to catch a trout.


Rip Hopkins : Plumassiers
From May 24 to November 12, 2023
Musée de l’Affiche de Toulouse (matou)
58 All. Charles de Fitte
31300 Toulouse


Rip Hopkins : Plumassiers
Filigranes Éditions

30 €


Galerie Le Réverbère

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