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Marlène Delcambre


I’m walking alone

I’m walking alone and yet
In the exhausted rhythm of my shoes
I feel the red, I feel the pink, I feel the blue Giving me the vision
That the earth is just a vast unfolded newspaper
Sometimes a photograph goes by…

Marlène Delcambre

This series is a series of self-portraits
AD, photography and retouching: Marlène Delcambre
Location: Muralla roja


Marlène Delcambre is a fashion photographer and visual artist, who uses photography, video and writing as a support for a narrative of her sensitivity in the world around her.

She likes to photograph men and women to transcribe their emotions, reinterpret their stories in her own way or illustrate emotional reactions to a social phenomenon.

Self-portraiture is an important part of her work; she stages herself with an analytical vocation, tinged with irony, poetry or the absurd. We always find a particular aesthetic in terms of color and geometry in space.

She aims to caricature, denounce, and take the subject with derision and lightness with the main aim of making the viewer smile and moving them.

Her photographs were exhibited in Paris, New-York, Venice, London and Tokyo


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