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Mario Sinistaj


Terra Corpus

Human bodies presented as ethereal beings, emanating a blend of resilience and vulnerability, adorned with the traces of time’s embrace. They evoke the forgotten sculptures of antiquity, encapsulating the profound fragility and enduring beauty that defines the human condition.

Naked bodies, always in search of authenticity, in contact with the elements to fully reconnect with their existence, remind us of the clay Man, akin to Prometheus’ Creature into which life was breathed.

These bodies, liberated from all societal constraints and superficiality, challenge the minds of today. They remind us that each individual, though seemingly similar to another, is profoundly unique.

These bodies invite us to reconsider our perception of the world and to acknowledge that everything else may be mere imagination and fleeting illusions in the vast theater of existence.


Mario Sinistaj Biography

Born in 1972 in Belgrade, former Yugoslavia, Mario Sinistaj had an adolescence enriched by travel, allowing him to explore the world and grow up on several continents, imbuing his mind with a wealth of cultural diversity.

Ager a stay in Egypt, where he met his wife, he decided to settle in the south of France, where he discovered the essential elements necessary for his artistic expression.

Mario has always had a keen appreciation for aesthetics and beauty, drawing inspiration from fashion and architecture. His early career as a photographer led him to work in the advertising industry, collaborating over time with numerous communication agencies and publishing houses.

His love for people naturally led him towards portrait photography. In 2012, he created his own magazine titled “Mandarin,” where he oversaw the artistic direction and photography, delving further into the realm of portraiture.

Inspired by the human body, Mario has devoted his personal work to capturing the beauty and vulnerability of the human form.

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