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Manchester Central Library : Robert John Watson : The Sky Above Her


The Sky Above Her, Robert John Watson comprehensive mid-career retrospective exhibition in association with in association with Albumen Gallery opens at the Manchester Central Library on October 14th. The exhibition features 70 works by the British photographer.

Robert John Watson’s impressive body of work spans several genres, showcasing his artistic versatility and creativity in capturing a wide range of subjects and styles. Whether it is street portraits capturing a moment revealing the depth of human emotion, sweeping breath-taking seascapes that transport the viewer reflecting on the sheer spiritual beauty of the world we live in or – in contrast – captivating street photography documenting the pulse of urban life Robert john Watson’s ability to excel across multiple genres demonstrates a deep understanding of the medium and a keen eye for composition, lighting, and storytelling, making him a truly accomplished and versatile artist.

Countering a sometimes all too prevalent trend of photographers building their ‘brand’ on a narrow set of styles Robert John Watson’s work is an expression of his hunger to creatively capturing life in all its diversity.

The exhibition taking its title from a set of moving skyscapes from the hillside grave of the photographers mother, who lost her life to Covid, will run until January 5th.


Robert John Watson : The Sky Above Her
October 14 to January 5
Manchester Central Library
St Peter’s Square, Manchester, M2 5PD
Admission: Free

Albumen Gallery

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