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Maison Guerlain : Charlotte Abramow : Piquées


After the Femmes en regard exhibition in 2021, which brought together 14 renowned women photographers, Maison Guerlain fell in love with photographer Charlotte Abramow and offered her a solo show in 2022. Thus, she documented beekeeping training that seven women received (graciously) last summer as part of the “Women for Bees” program in partnership with UNESCO, and under the sponsorship of Angelina Jolie. With her committed eye, her uninhibited aesthetic and her affirmed militancy, Charlotte Abramow designed Piquées from the height of her 28 years. An exhibition that talks about the relationship of these women to bees, but also of the parallel between the two, sisterhood and the role of the bees in our lives. She cast her benevolent and questioning gaze on this subject in order to tell us a unique story that unites women and bees through a series of embroidered photos symbolizing this invisible bond. Charlotte Abramow also wanted to show the fragility of bees that are threatened. Their disappearance would be a tragedy for humanity as their contribution to pollination is essential. Guerlain had already created “Women for Bees”, a partnership with UNESCO to support women who take care of bees. By increasing it to “Women for Art”, Guerlain also wishes to support its desire to support an art committed to the protection of our biodiversity. More than ever, Guerlain’s commitments to women, art and the preservation of our planet are intended to be uncompromising and long-term. Piquées sublimates all its actions to offer us a unique and conscious vision. A role that art has never ceased to play within Maison Guerlain.


Charlotte Abramow : Piquées
from April 22 to July 22, 2022
Maison Guerlain
68 av des Champs-Elysées
75008 Paris
entrée libre



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