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Maison de la photographie Robert Doisneau : And our dead? Postmortem photography today in Europe


This collective exhibition brings together contemporary authors who illustrate our relationship to death. By addressing the different stages of “the life of the dead” (death, management then physical distancing of deceased bodies), it questions each time what is within sight of the living and what usually remains invisible, what is permitted to see or what is forbidden but also what is of the order of fracture or reconciliation with the dead.

Photographers: Laure Albin Guillot, Philippe Bazin, Goran Bertok, Patrik Budenz, Christine Delory-Momberger, Eric Dexheimer, Robert Doisneau, Odhràn Dunne, Laurence Geai, Steeve Iuncker, Irène Jonas, Beate Lakotta and Walter Schels, Franck Landron, Jacques Henri Lartigue Frédéric Pauwels, Bruno Réquillart, Rudolf Schäfer, Raymond Voinquel and Sophie Zénon

Curator ;
Michaël Houlette assisted by Camille Lebossé


Et nos morts ? La photographie post mortem aujourd’hui en Europe
from September 22, 2023 to February 18, 2024
Maison de la photographie Robert Doisneau
1, rue de la Division du Général Leclerc
94250 Gentilly

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