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Luhring Augustine : Tiptoeing Through the Kitchen, Recent Photography


“Taking pictures is like tiptoeing into the kitchen late at night and stealing Oreo cookies.”

This sentence from Diane Arbus , the Luhring Augustine gallery transformed it in : Tiptoeing Through the Kitchen, Recent Photography, an exhibition of new and recent work by seven artists: William Eric Brown, Sophia Chai, Kevin Landers, Brittany Nelson, Shaun Pierson, Gonzalo Reyes Rodriguez, and Sheida Soleimani. Organized by Lauren Wittels and Sasha Helinski, the show is open in the Chelsea location through June 15.

Though varied in their approaches to photographic practice, what unifies these artists is their investigation of longing, care, and lineage — familial and otherwise — and the way in which they use the medium and the process of making the work as a means to engage with others, with themselves, and to challenge expectations. Generating a constellated conversation that draws upon photography’s history, yet turns toward something altogether new, the artists included in Tiptoeing Through the Kitchen, Recent Photography imbue the seemingly unknown with flashes of recognition.


Tiptoeing Through the Kitchen, Recent Photography
Until June 15, 2024
Luhring Augustine
531 West 24 Street
New York, NY
Tel: 212.206.9100

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