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Lorenzo Vitali


Hues of Shape

The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao was built to a design by Canadian architect Frank Gehry and was inaugurated in 1997. These photos were taken with the specific intention of capturing the interaction between the material used (titanium from Australia), which over time has changed its original appearance as a result of atmospheric conditions, and the sun’s rays which, depending on the time of day, affect differently. To obtain this result, which we could classify as a work of abstract architecture, I carried out several shooting sessions at various times of the day and with different light conditions, favoring long focal lengths for most of the shots (excluding the overall view with a fish eye). color. The stone is forgotten: it is not lacking. Being able to grasp the change, depending on the incidence of the sun’s rays, of the color of the titanium plates and their combination in various colors, always different. Then by isolating some forms chosen by me according to an aesthetic criterion, I think I have highlighted the beauty of this particular architectural work, starting from the original choice of the material used. Metallic color: blue and yellow, bronze and green. Shades of clouds slowly fade, reflected in Nerviòn.

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