The Idea is fantastic! Selfies to serve ecology! A mail received last week: Here it is!
My name is Lorenzo Mancini, young photographer by profession. I have a strong interest in ecology and this for many years now.
Like many, I can not remain insensitive to the increase of the areas polluted by our waste, the most remote lands of the globe not being exempted. No one can ignore today this ecological problem as well as its stakes.
Today, its my turn, I decided to make a contribution. This is where the 10wastechallenge was born.
10wastechallenge est un moyen parmi d’autres d’enrayer le processus en s’attaquant à la face émergée de l’iceberg en passant par l’élimination de la pollution « visible ».
Beyond this photographic challenge in the service of ecology, is hidden the will to install in people certain automatisms, that they will turn, in the end, into real habits.
If the idea speaks to you and you want to take part in this new positive trend, we are waiting for you!
The principle is very simple ; just a few minutes spent collecting waste. Then shoot yourself with your loot and then tag your image with the following hashtag # 10wastechallenge.
Already, I thank you for your valuable support.
“Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world. Howard Zinn.
To participate, only one address: