Lille’s Quai26 Photographie gallery is launching a new exhibition today, aligning the work of two French photographers – Marthe Sobczak and Fabrice Mabillot – featuring the female body and women’s portraits.
Marthe Sobczak
Marthe is a French artist born of Polish parents. She came to photography through her love for painting, colours and shapes. She was a model before picking up the camera herself and treats her models’ bodies as light-sensitive. This sensitivity seeps into her fashion photography and more personal creations.
Fabrice Mabillot
“I’m drawn by my models’ faces, a certain stance, the colour of their skin, a hint of sadness in their eyes or a timid smile and feel a kind of emotional awe for them. I place them in a stripped-down decor, an apartment or a hotel room, to help me capture their attention and focus their gaze. I work with soft, often natural lighting. The images might include a chair, the back of an armchair, a table or a wall covering… I like to keep things simple.
These girls are an endless source of inspiration for me. I keep my work alive by photographing them over and over again. Always the same and yet so different every time.”
Marthe Sobczak & Fabrice Mabillot
From 3 to 31 March, 2016
La galerie Quai26
62, rue d’Angleterre
59000 Lille
Thursday to Saturday 2pm – 7pm and by appointment