India: 1955-1956. A year’s journey, at a slow pace, with little or no money, third-class carriages for vehicles, temples for hostels and pilgrims for companions: life in short.
But what kind of trip was this? From the simplest: the need for a change of air. Concretized by a meeting, that of Louis Frédéric, brilliant Indianist, ready to depart: “why would not you come with me?”
………… so they go, but separate very quickly amicably,
Denis Brihat devoting himself to the North, Louis Frédéric to the South.
Commissioned work for Brihat on Mughal and Hindu art and architecture, but it is in the interstices of this commissioned work that Denis Brihat takes what he calls his “amateur photos”… the result is a sequel of images and impressions collected without script, without preconceived idea, but with a deep love of the other. The combination of this know-how, this respect and this lack of premeditation gives these images a density and a lightness that defy time.
Extract from the text of Frédéric Lecloux from the portfolio: India. 2020
Denis Brihat : Inde
October 8 – December 4, 2022
Librairie Le Bleuet
Rue Saint-Just
04150 Banon, France