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Lianzhou 2011 –Liu Wu


The word “Hometown” is not a site’s limits. Because my hometown is not far from this ancient town. It takes only a few minutes to go back. Even, I can go on foot if I want.

Things all I can see in the way-the sky become clearer gradually, the wide road becomes a narrow path, with the changing scenes, there were fewer and fewer people, cars are streaming. When these scenes emerge, I am aware that the distance gets closer to my home. I feel that the familiar smell of the soil in the yard in front of the door, which sank into my nose via the air. The sounds of children, bell rings of the bicycle, the bright yellow ucenter home reflect the fields.
The word “Hometown” is an emotional limit and interpretation.
Emotion is a so difficult thing that difficult to be describe. I cannot use magnificent words to show it off and admire it, or inculcate with my private feelings to someone who do not understand at all.
However, I want to say and I want others to know my story. Therefore, those people and things, which come up in my mind, are recorded in negative films, through my eyes, lens, and fingers that I press down the shutter.

My relatives, friends, and anyone living around my life are taken in my photos, even you can find me in photos sometimes. I do not want to take souvenir photos under their false smile, but what I want to see is that they stay in their familiar environment, and appear with the most comfortable pose and without any preparation. I hold a camera wander in their living conditions every day, we chat and drink, visit some common friends together, and I finally record these-scattered hair silk on the pillow, a sleepy moment, a rising belly in the sunset…

I felt astonished when I primitively saw these photos, the childhood friends has become parents, the little boy of next door is vicissitudes now, mother’s side bums and gasp revealed an aging signal, people living around are changing unconsciously. When I scrutinize these faces, I found that I can see their heart with these relentless eyes. Even, I can find myself from their eyes. I have never changed, I am still a teenager, who is ignorant of worldly affairs.

At this point, I just realize suddenly that these faces is familiar with me, so they also can be familiar with my camera, I find little fear from their eyes, and lens of invasive seems to be disappeared.

I felt a great trust, a great deal of tolerance. This is my “hometown”, where no matter how the world’s change, but it left the primary impressions in my mind. I’m honor to endow the specific meaning of these silent photos. The feelings exists with me ,and what I cannot express is love.

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