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Les Rendez-vous d’Art Contemporain Vendômois 2023 : New Renaissance(s)!


The HEGOA gallery is organizing the 4th edition of the “Rendez-vous d’Art Contemporain Vendômois” at Artins from September 7 to 17, 2023. As in previous years, the gallery has selected works by internationally renowned artists usually presented in large galleries and fairs in the great capitals of contemporary art. The works will be exhibited every day from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. and by appointment in the morning for the pleasure of amateurs and collectors in the gardens and gallery of the “La Guapita” artists’ residence and in the 11th century church in Artins ( free admission).

Travel-themed photographers
– Guest of honor: Yvan Travert, series “Walk gently on the earth”
– Eric Bénard, “Tokyo Surfaces” series
– Clarisse Rebotier, “Instant Sex Food” series
– Eric Ceccarini, “The Painters Project” series

Les Rendez-vous d’Art Contemporain Vendômois 2023 : Nouvelles Renaissance(s) !
from September 7 to 17, 2023

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