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Les filles du calvaire : Lore Stessel : Vague


Les filles du calvaire gallery presents the images of Lore Stessel At the same time as those of Katrien de Blauwer until December 20th.

Entitled Vague, this exhibition brings together a set of photographic works, the result of the meeting between the photographer and the dancer(s).

Lore Stessel studied painting then photography. From painting, learned at the Luca School Arts in Brussels, she has kept the support and the gesture, the one by which she applies the gelatin-silver emulsion on the canvas allowing the revelation of her images. But everything else in her practice connects her to photography, which she learned at the National School of Photography in Arles: recording images on film, processing them and then making her prints. She uses the tools and techniques of photography, but it is through these gestures that the images will take shape. It is in her dark room that they emerge from the canvas, revealing themselves through contact between light and matter, just as they are born from the meeting between Lore and those she invites. The eye records, the hand reveals. The gesture, from the eye to the hand, interprets.


Lore Stessel : Vague
from November 3 to December 20, 2023Les filles du calvaire
17 rue des Filles-du-Calvaire
Paris 3e

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