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Les filles du calvaire : Katrien de Blauwer : Why I Fear Red, Love Blue (And) Hate Yellow


Until December 20th,  Les filles du calvaire gallery is exhibiting Katrien de Blauwer with Why I Fear Red, Love Blue (And) Hate Yellow.
The gallery presents her like this:

Katrien de Blauwer, who is presented as a “photographer without a camera”, uses images from old magazines and newspapers to shape her stories. With her intimacy and sensitivity, she seeks in the images of others, loaded with memory and carrying her memories, a way to tell them.

De Blauwer is nourished by a beauty that she finds in contemporary dance, literature, fashion or music, but it is undoubtedly the cinematographic universe that she embraces most passionately. Especially the one which strongly influenced the representation of women in the press of the 60s, her favored material. Because women are of prime importance here. By assembling disparate fragments of these heroines, meticulously recovered and silently juxtaposed, she creates photo montages which evoke the life of familiar icons, those of an often fantasised female representation. She plays with our imaginations, hers as well as ours. The old-fashioned materials of the paper respond to the subjects cut out to form the decor of her stories; and in these enigmatic freeze frames, like shots/countershots gathered on the same framework, the spectator takes over from the narrator to develop the scenario.


Katrien de Blauwer : Why I Fear Red, Love Blue (And) Hate Yellow
from November 3 to December 20, 2023
Les filles du calvaire
17 rue des Filles-du-Calvaire
Paris 3e


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