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Leica Store Paris Beaumarchais : Julien Thomast : It is such a pretty little country


The Leica Store Paris Beaumarchais is exhibiting until August 31st C’est un si joli petit pays by Julien Thomast. He sent us this text:

Between the North Sea and the Rhine, Belgium is “Such a pretty little country” which offers many opportunities for celebration.
The holidays are the memory of yesteryear and the protagonists love participating in events that forgets neither humor nor surrealism.
They are the worthy descendants of James Ensor and René Magritte and practice excess and rigor at the same time.
I wanted to be among these actors who live the past in the present and understand their involvement in the story they play to the point of wanting to change the course of History.
These situations seemed particularly photographic to me.
They were the source of around fifteen reportages which mix carnivals, ducasses, festive reenactments and Napoleonic marches.

Julien Thomast


Julien Thomast : C’est un si joli petit pays
Until August 31, 2024
Leica Store Paris Beaumarchais
54, boulevard Beaumarchais
75011 Paris

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