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Le Carré d’Art : Vanessa Winship : She dances on Jackson


After receiving the Henri Cartier-Bresson Award in 2011, Vanessa Winship traveled for more than a year across the United States, from California to Virginia via New Mexico and Montana.

She dances on Jackson is a dialogue between landscape and portrait that explores the immensity of the United States and the inextricable link that unites a territory and its inhabitants. Depending on the people the photographer met and her own experiences, places take on a special meaning. Each human encounter, each sound and each situation deepens the work. Some will see shades of sadness in her portraits; yet, before our eyes, fingers cling to a partner’s T-shirt, a son’s hand rests on a father’s shoulder: constant signs of intimacy and trust. We recognize these connections and extend them to the artist herself.

 She dances on Jackson is an elegiac work of humanity torn from the clutches of a winner-take-all culture – a redemptive homage to the triumph of love and kindness over the material world.

Exhibition presented in partnership with Agence VU’.


Vanessa Winship : She dances on Jackson
until January 11, 2023
Galerie Le Carré d’Art
Centre culturel Pôle
1 rue de la Conterie
35 131 Chartres-de-Bretagne

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