The Great Terror wasn’t the largest massacre ever committed by a state against its own people. Tomasz Kizny is a Polish journalist and photographer. He founded Dementi, a collective of freelance photographers, following the implementation of martial law in Poland in 1981. He documented the “solidarity” strikes in Poland, as well as the collapse of the communist bloc. He is the author of the books Goulag (2003) and La Grande Terreur en URSS 1937-1938 (2013).
What is “The Great Terror”?
Tomasz Kizny: In 1968, the historian Robert Conquest used the term to describe the height of Stalinist repression in the years 1937-38. Twenty years after the October Revolution, the Soviet regime committed a crime against humanity unparalleled in scale in Europe during peacetime. Over the course of 16 months, from August 1937 to November 1938, nearly 750,000 Soviet citizens were sentenced and shot, resulting in almost 50,000 executions per month. One adult in a hundred adults was executed with a shot in the neck. In total, the Great Terror cost the lives of nearly half a million people.
Read the full article on the French version of L’Oeil.
Images à charge, la construction de la preuve par l’image
From June 4th to August 30, 2015
6, impasse de la Défense
75018 Paris
Exhibition is producted by Picto Lab.
Meeting with Eyal Weizman, Les attaques de drones, à la limite du seuil de détectabilité
On July 3rd, 7pm at le BAL
Reservation : [email protected]
Images à charge, la construction de la preuve par l’image
Éditions Xavier Barral & Le BAL
22 x 28,5 cm
240 pages
280 photographs B&W