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Laurent Penvern


The model’s ideas

In the heart of the city, the street unfolds its stage on the windows, Its reflections dance tirelessly on this parallel world of glass.

Like windows opening onto the theatre of shopfronts and their actors…
Each shop window becomes a canvas. The urban landscape paints its own features in a frame where the strange silhouettes of its silent guardians, the mannequins, stand.
They pose stoically, playing with the reflections that give their presence an ethereal touch.

As gateways to a dreamlike world, neither outside nor inside, the reflections and transparencies take us from one to the other in hypnotic bounces.
Tangible life finds itself trapped at the heart of a world of ether, which then comes to life, revealed for all to see and blurring the lines.

The eye, in turn, invites the viewer to a game of rebounds, reflections and transparencies, the better to slip into fleeting imaginary worlds….Each one plays its own little tune, inviting light and shadow to dance a silent fusion.

The boundary between inside and outside dissolves into an unsettling illusion.
These disembodied muses sometimes come to life as if they are about to leave their glass enclosure and join the flickering animation of the street.
They come and go as they please, whispering stories about the pulse of the city, the dreams that keep it beating, and igniting imaginations, sometimes ours too.

Each of us can read our own emotions in them, and the ambiguous, mysterious, wandering plots that are willing to flow through them…

Important note :
during exhibitions of this series, I was constantly asked whether I was shooting in multiple exposures or editing some images combined on Photoshop. It is neither of these processes, which would have distorted the idea that these scenes, this spectacle, are given over to our gaze in the simplest way possible and at all times.
Each of these photos is the result of a single snapshot taken in the street.


Facebook : Laurent Penvern Photographie
Instagram : laurentpenvern

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