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Lab 1930 : Tina Cosmai : Manikins


“Manikins” is the title of Tina Cosmai’s series that is on display until February 21, 2025 in the space dedicated to contemporary photography Lab 1930, Milan. It is presented as follows:

The 7 images on display illustrate how the era is over when Leonardo’s Vitruvian Man was inscribed in a perfect circle and was the measure of all things, or when Caspar David Friedrich’s traveler from behind communicated a sense of infinity and perplexity in the face of the power of nature. In Manikins – as Tina Cosmai explains – man is placed “at the center of a reticular reality invaded by technology that transforms everything into abstract shapes and geometries.” Between the cranes, the beach, the benches, the jetties, man is a prisoner of the very reality he helped to build. Loneliness then becomes the existential situation of individuals who claim their little space, separated from each other and from the community. Unable to dialogue, they wander aimlessly, hypnotized by the Moloch of technology that pushes them towards a regressive drift, where ancestral monsters resurface. Under the reassuring rationality of lines and volumes, the primordial anxieties of a self increasingly stifled and compressed by hyper modernity resurface. In this hallucinatory scenario, men, unconscious, become mannequins of themselves, trapped in the dense network of abstractions, often unconscious, that they generate.


Tina Cosmai : Manikins
until February 21, 2025
Lab 1930. Photographie contemporaine
via Mantova 21
20135 Milan, Italie

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