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La Tour Prisonnière : Dimitri de Larocque Latour : Au clair d’un autre monde


His name is Dimitri de Larocque Latour.
He loves castles, forests and landscapes haunted by the struggle of angels against more or less malevolent spirits.
He exhibits his images until September 29th.
They are presented as follows:

At La Tour Prisonnière, a figure undulates in the darkness of a dream. She was seen coming down from Diane’s field in the last hours of spring; going through the Bois du Chat-Noir and the Bois du Chien-Bleu before disappearing on the edge of an ivory sea. This apparition, the ivy and the chickadees named her Stella Meillant… Where has fate led her now? The landscape must know more than we do. So let’s listen to its clues; let us follow the rebus of the winds, the clouds and the rocks, and we too will perhaps slip “into the light of another world…”


Dimitri de Larocque Latour : Au clair d’un autre monde
From June 1 to September 29
La Tour Prisonnière
Rue des Fossés de la Tour Prisonnière
Cusset (Allier)
Contact : 04 70 96 29 17
[email protected]

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