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La Grande Librairie France PhotoBook 2020 : Éditions le bec en l’air


Éditions le bec en l’air : Olivier Rebufa & François Bazzoli : Au Royaume de Babok

Au Royaume de Babok is a very personal monograph by Olivier Rebufa, one could say that it proceeds for this artist from a vital necessity after an intense and unusual experience of shamanic practices linked to his childhood spent in Africa. It was there that he maintained an exceptional bond with the one he calls “his second mother”, a Guinean woman named Dina, priestess, diviner and healer, and who – a rare thing for a Westerner – recognized him as her son for the legacy of her practices.

In the early 2000s, in his dentist’s waiting room, Olivier Rebufa stumbled across a women’s magazine containing a reportage on African fetish women. A question will arise, amplify itself until it irrigates his artistic approach. Would it be possible to cast a spell on a photograph, of what weight – real, symbolic or digital – would “fetished” images take on? Would they lose their silver salts, their digital definition, their plastic qualities? This questioning of the magical potential of photography materialized in the work he then undertake. But before that, the objects had to be embodied for his images to assume their density of questioning, doubt and, why not, darkness. He had to meet Maman Dina to enter Babok’s Kingdom …

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