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La Galerie Rouge : Jean-Michel Fauquet : The Motionless Traveler


La Galerie Rouge presents: Le Voyageur Immobile, an exhibition by Jean-Michel Fauquet. It accompanies it with these words:

The exhibition offers an inner journey, similar to that undertaken by the artist who continues to build a singular world, between the imaginary and the real, in the stillness of his studio. We discover ghostly figures with a human appearance, objects whose use and destination remain subject to the interpretation of the person who looks at them, landscapes of which we no longer know whether they belong to memory or dream.


Jean-Michel Fauquet : Le Voyageur Immobile
December 7, 2023 – February 24, 2024
La Galerie Rouge
3 rue du Pont Louis-Philippe
75004 Paris
01 42 77 38 24

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