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La galerie du jour agnès b. : Dennis Morris : Colored Black


Dennis Morris started his career very early. He was 11 when one of his photographs appeared on the front page of the Daily Mirror. A camera enthusiast since the age of 8, Dennis was known in his East End neighborhood as Mad Dennis, due to his preference for photography over football. After inadvertently stumbling upon a particularly lively PLO demonstration one Sunday, the lively young Dennis took his film to a Fleet Street photo agency who promptly sold it to the Daily Mirror for £16. Used to raising money for film and spare parts by taking photos of christenings and birthday parties, Dennis suddenly realized that his hobby and his all-consuming passion could allow him to earn a living. It was while playing hooky to wait for Bob Marley to arrive for the sound check at the Speak Easy Club on Margaret Street that Dennis’ career as a music photographer really began. Marley, very impressed with the young teenager waiting for him, invited Dennis to come take photos during the rest of the tour. Running back to Dalston, Dennis packed his bag and jumped on the bus. His photos of Marley and the Wailers became famous around the world and appeared on the covers of Time Out and Melody Maker before Dennis was even 17.


Dennis Morris : Colored Black
November 3, 2023 – January 14, 2024
La galerie du jour agnès b.
Place Jean-Michel Basquiat
75013 Paris

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