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La Filature : Aglaé Bory : Here Elsewhere


Until November 11, the La Filature gallery in Mulhouse presents Aglaé Bory!

For Ici Ailleurs, it is the Mulhouse territories that the artist captured, as part of a commission for the 30th anniversary of La Filature. For five weeks, Aglaé Bory roamed the city, camera in hand, meeting residents. In her images, photography becomes the art of conversation between figures and places. Her work connects us to others in an essential way, in the beauty of gesture and skill.

The exhibition Ici Ailleurs by Aglaé Bory brings together 80 photographs taken as part of the artist’s creative residency in Mulhouse in the spring and summer of 2023.


Aglaé Bory : Ici Ailleurs
Until November 11, 2023
La Filature
20 All. Nathan Katz
68090 Mulhouse

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