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la Fab : agnès b. : a “history” of photography


Until April 7 2024, agnès b. presents the new Fab exhibition. dedicated to a “history” of photography in her collection.

agnès has built up an important collection of contemporary art presented for the first time at the Abattoirs of Toulouse in 2004.

The agnès b. collection is made without any predilection of medium: paintings, sculptures, installations, videos, etc. However, photography has an important place with its 2,500 listed prints.

In 2000, on the subject of photography, agnès b. already wrote:

“If it’s a collection, it looks more like a free assembly than a thoughtful construction. I could even say that it was the photos themselves that imposed themselves one by one, one calling for the other. Perhaps each photo by its own quality required another one as beautiful as moving or as essential, the common thread is this… I feel like an amateur in both senses of the word and it’s a nice word. I claim eclecticism and refuse to prefer this one to that one – they each have their place. What counts is the “decisive moment”, the photographer in a surely spiritual gesture chooses the moment in his life, what caught his/her eye , what he/she chooses to say…. He/She can also with the same gesture create fictions, deceive us for the pleasure of telling us something untrue, serious or slight – What freedom! and that’s why I love photography.” – agnès b.


Une « histoire » de la photographie
Collection agnès b.
la Fab.
6-10, place Jean-Michel Basquiat
Paris 13e

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