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La chambre claire Galerie : Colette Pourroy : Kate’s shadow


La chambre claire Galerie presents L’ombre de Kate by Colette Pourroy.

Colette Pourroy lives and works in Paris and Provence. Trained at ENSAD at Villa Arson in Nice, she specializes in graphic design and photography. She worked for three decades in publishing in Paris as a freelancer, before devoting herself entirely to photography, from 2008, as an author.

From 2003, she exhibited regularly, mainly in Paris. Her photos are in public collections, at the BnF Richelieu, at the MEP, and in private collections in France and abroad (Germany, England, Belgium, United States, Japan, Switzerland).

In 2013, the IRIS Center gallery awarded her a prize with a solo exhibition on the father. Télérama devoted a laudatory article to her about this prize.

In 2014, she was selected in the Mois de la Photo in Paris (At the heart of intimacy), for her series Couple, Sur la Rive de soi, with a solo exhibition at the Little Big Gallery Paris. Many articles in the media cover this series.

In 2017, at the André Frère Éditions stand, at Paris Photo at the Grand Palais, she was exhibited for the publication of her book Ève réincarnée, on her sister and also at the Mind’s Eye gallery in solo.

In June 2019, in “the figure of the Father”, she was selected for the 41st Photographic Estivales of Trégor (L’Imagerie gallery, in Lannion) with around twenty photos of the father.

In July 2019, with her series on her mother, she was exhibited at the Huit Arles gallery, at the Rencontres Off, on the occasion of the release of her book Rouge était sa couleur, at AF Éditions.

In 2022, the series on her grandmother is exhibited in Arles, for the release of her book L’ombre de Kate, at AF Éditions.

In the summer of 2023, the series on her grandmother will be exhibited in Douarnenez, at the La Chambre claire gallery. Colette Pourroy photographs in silver based film without retouching and her prints are made with an enlarger by Andres Romero on baryta paper. The artistic depth of her photographs in black and white gives us a singular writing of a universal family history, the one that looks in the mirror of our own history.


Colette Pourroy : L’ombre de Kate
from June 10 to July 15, 2023
La chambre claire Galerie
6 rue Voltaire
29100 Douarnenez
06 42 40 88 30

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