Nicolas Bouvier (1929-1998), was a 20th Century Swiss traveler and writer, a poet, a photographer, an iconographer, a teacher, and a radio and television journalist. Educated at the University of Geneva, where he received a master’s degrees in history, literature and law, he roamed the world for many years, traveling through Central Europe, Central Asia, India, Sri Lanka, China, Japan, South Korea and Ireland. But he stayed longer in Japan than anywhere else: 1955-56, 1964-66, and then in 1970, as a writer and photographer for the Swiss pavilion at the World Expo in Osaka. Among some twelve of his book, “The Way of the World” (1963) has become a of bible for a new generation of travel writers. “The Japanese Chronicles” (1975) and “Le Poisson-Scorpion” (1982) received several critics and librarians prizes.
Eliseo Barbàra
京都グラフィー 国際写真フェスティバル
Kyotographie International Photography Festival
From April 13 to May 6, 2013
Nicolas Bouvier
Yuuhisai Koudoukan
524-1 Mototsuchimikado-cho
Shinmachi-Higashi-iru, Kamichojamachi-dori
Kyoto, 603-8146