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Kopeikin Gallery : Rizzoli : Jeffrey Milstein : London From The Air


Jeffery Milstein has a keen eye for capturing the world from above, showcasing his unique perspective through aerial photography. He draws inspiration from dreams, fueling his creative process with a mix of intuition, artistic evaluation, equipment integration, and logistics.

Earlier this month, a selection of London Aerials from Jeffrey’s upcoming book London From The Air (Rizzoli, spring 2024) won the Architecture Masterprize in Exterior Architecture! Jeffrey’s London From The Air book has also received Graphis’ gold award in their 2024 Photography contest.

Here is a look at a few of some of Jeffreys’ award winning images. All prints are available from the Kopeikin Gallery and the entire collection may be viewed on Jeffrey’s Gallery page.


You may pre-order a copy of Jeffrey’s new book London From The Air here :

Kopeikin Gallery
Mailing Address Only
2658 Griffith Park Blvd. #220
Los Angeles, CA

Jeffrey Milstein : London From The Air

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