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Kahmann Gallery : Schilte & Portielje : Unusual


Kahmann Gallery presents the exhibition Unusual by the duo Schilte & Portielje.

Huub Schilte and Jacqueline Portielje (NL, 1953 & 1958) intensively explore the rich possibilities of the computer as an artistic medium and have been doing so since 1997.

The computer is both their photography darkroom as well as a drawing/painting tool. Their work has been featured in many exhibitions worldwide and has been included in numerous international private and corporate collections. Schilte & Portielje work without a preconceived plan or subject.

With their self-produced image fragments, they compose their own dream world. Subtle eroticism, demanding poses, or the quiet poetry of desire are the elements used in this dark world rich in contrast in black and white, filled with characters who are endlessly captivating.

In their work Schilte & Portielje constantly explore the boundaries between fantasy and reality, giving it a certain surreal quality. Could the composed black and white figures exist in real life? Are they in pleasure or pain? These questions make Schilte & Portielje’s world one in which you would like to get lost forever.

Schilte & Portielje are represented since 2008 by Kahmann Gallery Amsterdam.


Schilte & Portielje : Unusual
Until September 2023
Kahmann Gallery
Lindengracht 35
1015 KB Amsterdam, Netherlands

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