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Kahmann Gallery Amsterdam : Unusual


Kahmann Gallery in Amsterdam presents the exhibition, Unusual : Pushing the Boundaries of Photography. The show features four exceptional artists whose work transcends conventional boundaries of photography, exploring new dimensions and pushing the limits of the medium. With a captivating blend of senior expertise and fresh perspectives, this exhibition promises to challenge perceptions.

The ‘Unusual’ exhibition reflects the Amsterdam Gallery’s commitment to presenting art that pushes artistic boundaries. The selected artists—Schilte & Portielje, Luuk de Haan, Nora Papp, and Asha Swillens—each bring their unique vision and artistic approach, resulting in a versatile and surprising show.

Schilte & Portielje, indispensable and appreciated artist in the field, infuse their works with a sense of mystery and surrealism. Their use of light and shadow creates a dreamlike atmosphere, inviting viewers into enigmatic narratives. When looking at their dreamlike characters, the boundaries between reality and imagination blur, leaving spectators mesmerized by the power of their imagery.

Luuk de Haan’s abstract images seem to have let go of the principle of photography, but in fact, out of all the four artists in this show, he is using the camera in the most traditional way. De Haan photographs digitally manipulated on-screen slideshow images of lines of varying degrees of brightness and tonal intensity to create calm but energetic works hat have a sense of movement to them.

Joining these established artists are two rising talents, Nora Papp and Asha Swillens, bringing a fresh perspective to the show. Nora Papp’s work challenges traditional concepts of photography, employing self designed algorithms and data she collects trough posted instagram pictures. Se uses the deconstruction of a digital image to collect ‘aesthetic data’, creating futuristic forms that seem to float in space.

Asha Swillens; work is to a large extent influenced by her fashion study in The Hague and Antwerp. Since 2020 her focus is on photography rather than fashion. Photography allowed her to push the boundaries of her former way of constructing ideas based on the shapes of garments and lead her to focus on the aesthetics of an image instead. Swillens’ work questions the border of reality and fiction as all her images are a digital collage – a non-existing composition of real elements. Work that feels like seeing a memory from a long time ago, whilst being modern and new .

In ‘Unusual’ these four exceptional artists come together, showing the the many forms in which the line between the physical and digital wolds can be blurred. Come explore the endless possibilities within photography with us.


The ‘Unusual’ exhibition will run from 26-5-2023 to the beginning of August at the Amsterdam Gallery (Lindengracht 35).

The opening takes place on May 26th, 18:00-22:00.


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