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Julie Legrand


Fréquence ;

Fréquence; is a photographic project made with out-of-date film. Photographs taken over several years, sometimes accompanied by texts and snippets of thoughts. The photos were developed and digitized at my home between 2020 and 2024. For the vast majority of them, I added water drawn directly from the Atlantic Ocean at the start of the development process, in the first bath. I like to think that my photos contain a bit of immensity.

This project is a mixture of melancholy and wonder, mourning, uncertainty and consolation. It’s a perpetual quest for meaning, for the sensitive in every nook and cranny, for life, feelings, lack and hope. Rhythm is a recurring theme here. Frequency; as its name suggests, revolves around movement, visible and invisible: the movement of waves, of time passing, of the pages of a book turning, of the stars, of ideas (re)moulting, of furtive thoughts and those that loop, like certain melodies; it’s also the movement of film that winds up and unwinds, that of a raindrop that undulates with the wind, the beating of the heart, or the waltzes of atoms, imperceptible particles that meet, and sometimes, collide.

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