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Julia Scribani Rossi


Glenn Gould, photographs inside Mimmo Paladino’s movie

A selection of shots by photographer Julia Scribani Rossi, immortalised in the film “La Divina Cometa” by Mimmo Paladino focus on the character of Glenn Gould, in a combination of architectures, worlds and volumes designed by Paladino.
The 11 photographs, shot in black and white film, tie the architectural part of the set in its relationship with the actor’s body: a story in which the scenic elements dialogue with the physicality of the character. In this powerful narrative, photographer Julia Scribani Rossi delves into the enigmatic aura of legendary pianist Glenn Gould depicted in the movie through her minimalist lens, capturing his essence within the framework of renowned Transavantgarde artist Mimmo Paladino. Julia’s film photography inter-wines light and shadow to reveal a contemplative and introspective narrative, and pictures the profound interplay between music and visual art.

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